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Job Efficiency Report

Jobs Resource Utilization and Job Efficiency Report

Jobs Resource Utilization

(CPU cores) requirements of your jobs will help you utilize the cluster resources more efficiently.

Making sure your jobs use the right amount of RAM and the right number of CPUs helps you and others, who are using the clusters, use these resources more efficiently and in turn get work done more quickly.

Job Efficiency Report

On all HPC Vega login nodes, users can check the efficiency of resource usage on the completed job with the command seff.

The command seff provides statistics related to the efficiency of resource usage by the completed job.

Use the seff command to see CPU and memory usage for a job. The command shows how efficient a job is using both cpu and memory. If you notice low utilization, you may be able to request fewer resources.


  /ceph/hpc/bin/seff  <jobid>

Output is:

    Job ID: 59608530
    Cluster: vega
    User/Group: user/user
    State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
    Nodes: 1
    Cores per node: 4
    CPU Utilized: 1-00:05:08
    CPU Efficiency: 24.84% of 4-00:57:48 core-walltime
    Job Wall-clock time: 1-00:14:27
    Memory Utilized: 6.48 GB
    Memory Efficiency: 20.73% of 31.25 GB
    Job ID: 59608537 


If you are not using multithreading, you must multiply CPU efficiency with 2.